1. We recommend using 17.5g of coffee per 250ml of filtered, low mineral water.
2. Grind the coffee on a fine-medium setting (similar to caster sugar).

3. Place a paper filter into the brewer and rinse it with hot water.
4. Pour your coffee into the Aeropress. Place an appropriately sized vessel onto a set of scales and sit the brewer on top.
5. Zero the scales, start a timer and pour all of the hot water onto the coffee. Give it a stir once all the water is added to break up any clumps. Insert the plunger on top to create a vacuum and stop coffee dripping into the cup.
6. Let the coffee brew for 2 minutes, then remove the plunger and give it a final stir. Replace the plunger and press down gently for 30 seconds.
- Grind finer if the coffee tastes to acidic, grind courser if it's too bitter.
- For a stronger/heavier brew, add more coffee (+1g), or for a weaker/lighter brew, use less coffee (-1g).