1. We recommend using a ratio of 60g of coffee per litre of filtered, low mineral water.
2. Grind the coffee on a medium setting (similar to granulated sugar).
3. Place a paper filter into the brewer and rinse it with hot water.
4. Pour your coffee into the V60. Place an appropriately sized vessel onto a set of scales and sit brewer on top.
5. Zero the scales, start a timer and pour the hot water in five timed stages - pour one-fifth of the total water weight every 30 seconds.
6. Stir occasionally to break up any clumps of ground coffee. You want to avoid seeing any bubbles rise to the surface during the later stages of the brew.
7. Once all of the water has been added, give it a final stir to remove any grounds stuck to the filter. The brew should take around 3 and a half minutes in total.
- Grind finer if the coffee tastes too acidic or the brew drained too quickly. Grind courser if it's too bitter or the brew drained too slowly.
- For a stronger/heavier brew, add more coffee (+1g), or for a weaker/lighter brew, use less coffee (-1g).