1. We recommend using a ratio of 70g of coffee per 1 litre of filtered, low mineral water.

3. Pour the coffee into the french press and place it onto a set of scales.
4. Zero the scale, start a timer and pour all the hot water onto the coffee. Give it a stir once all the water is added to break up any clumps. 
5. Let the coffee brew for 4 minutes, then give it a final stir to knock the crust back into the brew. 
6. For a cleaner cup, scoop off any foam from the surface of the liquid with two cupping spoons.
7. Insert the plunger and press down gently. Pour the brewed coffee very slowly to limit the amount of sediment in your cup.

- Grind finer if the coffee tastes too acidic, grind courser if it’s too bitter.
- For a stronger/heavier brew, add more coffee (+1g), or fro a weaker/lighter brew, use less coffee (-1g).

Shop Fellow Clara French Press:https://shop.squaremilecoffee.com/products/fellow-clara-french-press